Ahmad, Ibrahim


Ibrahim Ahmad is the senior editor at Akashic Books, where he has worked in various capacities since 2000. He leads frequent workshops with the Algonkian Writers Conferences and the New York Writers Workshop, where he also serves on the board of directors. He is the cofounder, with Akashic publisher Johnny Temple, of Brooklyn Wordsmiths, an editorial and consulting program, and is a regular participant in the Wilkes MFA Low-Residency Creative Writing Program and Literary Publishing MA Program. During the Alliouagana Festival of the Word, Ibrahim will be running a short publishing workshop.

PUBLISHING WORKSHOP Join Ibrahim Ahmad, senior editor at Akashic Books, to learn about the life cycle of a manuscript, beginning the moment it leaves your inbox and ending on bookstore shelves.

The publishing process can seem obscure, opaque, and frustrating. But there are ways you can help yourself stand out instead of striking out. By understanding the different parts of the publishing ecosystem, writers can gain an edge in how the present their work and themselves.

Ibrahim will also discuss the current state of publishing, the trends and patterns, and the latest developments that can help writers become savvier entrepreneurs and, ultimately, more successful authors.


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